Senin, 21 Maret 2011


Hanna was a senior high school in Indonesia,
She have lost her boyfriend last week cuz her boy’s gone with another girl. And we should know that she was so broken now..
“I couldn’t believe that !!! i saw him with my eyes?? With another girl, hold hand together, hug, kiss arrgghh !!! I hate him so, what the hell” she said that when she walk to halte bus.. and there was so quite.. just a young boy and Hanna there now
“why you angry ha?” said the boy to Hanna
“you dont need to know ‘bout me, bout my life, ‘bout my steps.. all bout me? Do you understand?” Hanna answered
“ rather bad if u angry.. like… emmmmm.. like a monkey? I just wanna say it?” said the boy again
“what??? you say that I like a monkey? It’s ok, but you like the monkey’s dad?” Hanna angry
And next they mocked each other until the rain fall…………. so hard
“ oh my God?? How could I go!” said Hanna
Suddenly the young boy pulled Hanna’s hand and take her to went out of halte..
“aw aw aw… are you crazy ha? It’s rain? I was soaking wet now cause you?” Hanna angry
“I just want to know your home? Let’s go together” said the boy
And they ran in rain together, hold hand each other
Step by step made them knew each other more to inside
Day by day Hanna enjoied with that boy, his name was ‘ Noa’
Everyday after school, Hanna went to halte to met Noa, just met or told everything what happened today to Noa.
One day, Hanna went to halte bus after school, there was rain so hard,,,
But Hanna didn’t find Noa there? Noa’s number was not active too, it made Hanna so disappointed,,
“Noa? it was rain? I was here? But where were you now Noa?” said Hanna
15 minuetes, 30 minuetes, and 1 hour………..
“huaaaahh, ok Noa? You made me lost my time, I think it was my first time to walked alone in rain” said Hanna
Hanna is gone in rain.. but..
In her third step.. Hanna stop her step, cause she hear Noa sang at behind and said “im sorry im late. But rain couldn’t stop my step to met you here”
“I knew that…I would never enjoy this rain alone without you” Hanna said
Hanna smiled saw it and they walk and sang together with Noa’s guitar together in rain…


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